About Nepal

Nepal is a officially Democratic Republic of Nepal. It is located between  China and India.

Major facts of Nepal is:-
                                        figure:- map of Nepal

Area:- 147,181 sq. kilometer  (56,876 sq. miles).
On rank of largest by  area: 93rd most largest country.
 Population:- about 27 million.
On rank of population:-  41th most populated country.
 Development region:- five
(Eastern -region, Mid-Eastern- region Western-region, Mid-Western-region, Far-Western-region)

figure:- National flag of Nepal

Ten out of fourteen named by river:-
 (Gandaki, Koshi, Bagmati, narayani, Karnali, Mechi, Mahakali, Bheri, Seti  Rapti)
Two out of fourteen named by himalayas:-
(Dhaulagiri, Sagarmatha)
Two out of fourteen named by regilous place:-
(Janakpur, Lumbini) 

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